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LegendizeU - Sapotee Soil
The Sapotee Soil Journey takes us from Waterloo, Chaguanas all the way to Moruga and introduces us to men of vision, obeah men, magic women, ghosts, children who have to make tough decisions, and more!
Come with me
On a Journey of POSSIBILITY
As we travel the
S A P O T E E S O I L ...
Cover and Artwork: Ka'en Haynes
A temple built by one man?
Did Siewdass Sadhu really build Trinidad's Temple in the Sea single-handedly?
Is a ghost on de highway!
What stories the Bell tells!
Fire! Fire! In dey Wire!
He put a spell on her!
La Divina Miracles!
Superhero, Trini style!
Papa Neeza say...
History says our Amerindians were pagan primitives...legend shows...
Izayah Haynes - youngest cast member, Legends Revisited
The Amerindians weren't primitive...they had their own ways of they were just like us...just back then - IH
Izayah Haynes
The Fallen People of the Black Land
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