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Exploring the educational, creative space of Film

Caribbean people, like other once-colonized people, have not been taught to accept our voices;
we have not been encouraged to see our voices as
important, valuable.

Yet people are resilient...they will tell their stories and lift their voices in their songs, their dances, their stories, their food, their traditions.


Legends are a people's way of remembering themselves, of reminding themselves and each other of who they are, of recognizing themselves as valuable. Passed down through the artform of storytelling, Legends safeguarded people everywhere from colonial erosion.  


My films - The Fallen People of the Black Land and Legends Revisited, re-imagine story-telling in a modern world to safeguard legends and where no legends exist, imagination calls them and curiosity finds them and creativity births them.


Because storytelling is a people's colorful, unique way of existence and being. 



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Official Selection Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival

Official Selection Anime Caribe Film Festival

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World Premiere Cannes Pan African Film Festival

Official Selection & People's Choice Nominee Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival 

Co-Director of Legends Revisited, Ka'en Haynes, presents at UWI Film Programme.

"Adopt film as if it is your child.  Show dedication."  Ka'en Haynes on being a first-time director. 

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